QEC Self Assessment Procedure
Self Assessment is an evaluative exercise conducted by the institution to assess whether academic programs meet their educational objectives and outcomes. The aim is to improve the quality of these programs, enhance student learning and establish acceptable norms of reliability and validity in the university’s certified output. The Self Assessment of academic programs is conducted by Program Teams constituted by the concerned Dean of Faculty. The Assessment Team is constituted by the Vice Chancellor of the University.
Deans nominate senior faculty members in departments working under them as coordinators to supervise the effective and timely completion of Self Assessment Report and other documents within given time frame. Deans in consultation with the HOD nominate faculty members for the Program Team (PT). Each PT is responsible for the timely completion and submission of the Self Assessment Report and other documents of one academic program.
The Quality Enhancement Cell arranges orientation and training sessions for the Program Teams for effective handling of QA procedures.
Program Teams liaise with the Quality Enhancement Cell through its coordinator. Soft and hard copies of Self Assessment Report and other documents of academic programs are submitted by the Coordinator to the Quality Enhancement Cell with the approval of HOD/Dean according to the time line suggested by Quality Enhancement Cell.